Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A trial run....

So you all probably know that we have a kitten (well he's a year!) we love him dearly, but he has given us a fantastic trial run at having kids over the past two days.

First, we came home from work yesterday - and he was completely lethargic, not at all his chipper self. He was limp and clearly sick. Not having many words to tell us what what wrong and because I am a classic worrier-we headed into the after-hours emergency vet! After many (many) late night hours there, we left without any real answers, as Dex was not cooperative with them and WOULD NOT let them take a urine and blood sample.

Which brings us to today, we were up monitoring him and then had to completely re-shuffle our schedules and play a little tag-team babysitting (which means making sure he drinks his water)!!

So while this was on a much MUCH smaller scale than bringing up a baby... it did give us a tiny peak into the hustle and scramble of parenting!!

** He did get a fancy new water bowl that runs like a faucet!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Some Labor Day Pics (Dinosaur State Park)

Please, disregard my BRIGHT RED face... it was hot!!

Birthday fun....

It's my birthday.... I'll cry if I want to! Just Kidding, NO crying here, just fun fun fun! Today I turn 29 and I begin the last year of my twenties! And as I sit here, enjoying a nice birthday glass of wine waiting for T to get home, I am reminiscing about all that has happened over the last decade! So many good things that I am so thankful for!!

Like (in no particular order):

1. I married the love of my life and best friend- who makes every day so much better for everyone who is lucky enough to know him!
2. I met so many new and ever-so-dear friends, and I reconnected with so many old (as in years of friendship NOT age) friends
3. I explored the world and had the opportunity to spend some time studying in Northumberland.
4. I graduated from undergrad school.
5. I attended and graduated from law school.
6. We bought our first home.
7. We sold our first home.
8. We began a new adventure by moving to Texas.
9. I began my career with a firm I love and with people who will be great mentors.
10. I found a church that I feel at home at.
11. We adopted Dexter!!!
12. I went on 3 girls trips, where I was able to spend some very quality time with my mom and Kathryn!!

And these are off the top of my head, I am sure there are so many many more things that I am also thankful for but just can't think of them off the top of my head!

So as I begin this next year I am so hopeful that so many more blessings will come my way!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Look who's 1

Because he is so spoiled he received a box and treats for the big 1-year celebration!! And before you think we are cheap and can't get him a proper birthday gift, let me tell you that those are his FAVORITE things in the whole wide world (or his whole wide world-the inside of our house!!)

Back to Work...

I did it, after many MANY months of searching... I found a job! And I started working this past Tuesday, so I have successfully completed my first week. It is so nice to be back in the working world, actually using my brain! Although, I am feeling like I have NO time to do anything else - guess that will take some time to get used to.

What am I doing, you ask. Well I am working for a small firm (only one other attorney). She does exclusively family law, but I am going to do primarily family law and some juvenile law. I feel so lucky to now be working for a women who takes pride and enjoys mentoring new attorneys!! Hopefully, all works out and I can finally say that I love what I do and love where I do it!