Thursday, March 11, 2010

In a rut..

Sometimes I feel as though I am in a rut. I seem to do the same things and don't challenge myself enough to get out and try new things... so as I was browsing through some blogs, watching t.v, and reading in magazines I noticed that many people were or had created lists of things they wanted to do before they die. (Sorta the bucket-list idea) I do not want to be that extreme I wanted to keep it simpler and not extend it over the course of my life. So I created a 100 in 1,000 list.

It is a very random list of things that I want to do/accomplish/find/acquire/or not do over the next 1,000 days! I believe that gives me 2.7 years to accomplish all these things!

Here is my list-- (in no particular order)

Start our Family

Read Anna Karinina

Join a basketball League

Try Sushi Again

Have a sit-down dinner party with friends

Visit Brazil

Fit into my “skinny” jeans

Take a girlfriends vacation

Make my bed for one month straight

Stop eating out for one month

Refinish a piece of furniture

Take a photography class

Serve at a soup-kitchen

Learn how to knit

Attend church regularly for a month

Buy a new camera (Canon d50)

Master Photoshop

Go camping

Attend an Opera

Plant a vegetable garden

Learn to lift weights

Call a friend a day for a week

Take a ballroom dance class

Pay for a Stranger’s meal at a restaurant

Avoid purchasing books from the bookstore for three months

Travel to Europe

Go on a hike

See a rodeo

Visit my Grandparents

Get Travis a car

Run a 5K

Send out family birthday cards on-time for 1 year

Go fishing

Weed out the shoes I do not wear

Bake a pie (from scratch)

Go to the beach

Wash my car-by hand

Go golfing

Read a book of poetry

Take a road trip

Finish my grandma book

Go to a minor league baseball game

Read one book in the Bible

Make my family their Christmas gifts

Visit a winery

Go to Vegas

Get a job

Paint/or take a picture for our bedroom

Go skiing

Go without t.v for 2-weeks

Get an iphone

Have a garage sale

Donate Blood

Meet a new friend

Clean out my jewelry

Visit a museum

Take my parents to dinner

Finish my baby-book

Watch the Godfather

Tile our bathroom

Host a Murder-Mystery Dinner

Clean out our garage

Visit a spa

Go bowling

Work with a Charity

Attend a political rally

Cook a meal from each of my cookbooks

Start a compost pile/bucket

Learn and make candied jalapenos

Go on a bike ride

Visit a new city

Take a spin class

Start the process to Adopt

Put our house on the market (then get a new one)

Make my own raspberry vodka

Grow my hair long

Write a “snail-mail” letter

Drink 5 glasses of water a day for 2-weeks

Read a book that I would normally never read

Turn my loose recipes into a cookbook

Join a volleyball league

Go dancing

Get Dexter to stay off the counter (and tables!)

Re-Learn to play 500 (the card game)

Visit a new area of Texas

Send a friend flowers (for no reason)

Attend an art fair

Try a new type of exercise

Have a family portrait taken

Get Travis a puppy

Stop buying shoes for 3-months

Meet a “old” friend for coffee

Start a journel

Go to a movie with my husband-and let him pick

See the Nutcracker Ballet

Take a ride in a hot air balloon

Learn to Scuba dive

Buy a new dining room set

Go on a Picnic

Plan a surprise get-away for Travis

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