Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Doing up a weekend!

We had great plans for this past weekend! We were going to try out Travis' Christmas present.. which was a new tent! (one without holes.. which I was super happy about ;)) But somehow, our grand camping/hiking plans turned into housework! We decided to stain our fence. What a fun trade-off.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bon Voyage Mom....

I was so lucky to have mom come and visit for a week! Since I am still not working, we were able to explore a bit of Texas! We headed down to Fredericksburg (I believe that is the correct spelling) for a few days. The area is filled with wineries, cute shops and a brewery! What a fun time we had. We also did some outlet shopping! AND I couldn't resist putting her to work we re-arranged my entire house and put away all my winter clothes and put out the summery items (yay! so excited to have a clean closet filled with color and springy items!!)

While I love having visitors here the ONLY downfall is they have to leave... which always leaves me feeling lonely!!

Anyways, Thanks MOM for everything! I LOVED having you here!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

St. Paddy's Day Shenanigans!

What a fantastic weekend. We had some fun on Sat. at the Greenville St. Paddy's Day celebration (we made it to the parade but couldn't really see it from our location in the crowd!)

Then today we did yard work and went for a walk! Spring has definitely spring here! Yippie!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

In a rut..

Sometimes I feel as though I am in a rut. I seem to do the same things and don't challenge myself enough to get out and try new things... so as I was browsing through some blogs, watching t.v, and reading in magazines I noticed that many people were or had created lists of things they wanted to do before they die. (Sorta the bucket-list idea) I do not want to be that extreme I wanted to keep it simpler and not extend it over the course of my life. So I created a 100 in 1,000 list.

It is a very random list of things that I want to do/accomplish/find/acquire/or not do over the next 1,000 days! I believe that gives me 2.7 years to accomplish all these things!

Here is my list-- (in no particular order)

Start our Family

Read Anna Karinina

Join a basketball League

Try Sushi Again

Have a sit-down dinner party with friends

Visit Brazil

Fit into my “skinny” jeans

Take a girlfriends vacation

Make my bed for one month straight

Stop eating out for one month

Refinish a piece of furniture

Take a photography class

Serve at a soup-kitchen

Learn how to knit

Attend church regularly for a month

Buy a new camera (Canon d50)

Master Photoshop

Go camping

Attend an Opera

Plant a vegetable garden

Learn to lift weights

Call a friend a day for a week

Take a ballroom dance class

Pay for a Stranger’s meal at a restaurant

Avoid purchasing books from the bookstore for three months

Travel to Europe

Go on a hike

See a rodeo

Visit my Grandparents

Get Travis a car

Run a 5K

Send out family birthday cards on-time for 1 year

Go fishing

Weed out the shoes I do not wear

Bake a pie (from scratch)

Go to the beach

Wash my car-by hand

Go golfing

Read a book of poetry

Take a road trip

Finish my grandma book

Go to a minor league baseball game

Read one book in the Bible

Make my family their Christmas gifts

Visit a winery

Go to Vegas

Get a job

Paint/or take a picture for our bedroom

Go skiing

Go without t.v for 2-weeks

Get an iphone

Have a garage sale

Donate Blood

Meet a new friend

Clean out my jewelry

Visit a museum

Take my parents to dinner

Finish my baby-book

Watch the Godfather

Tile our bathroom

Host a Murder-Mystery Dinner

Clean out our garage

Visit a spa

Go bowling

Work with a Charity

Attend a political rally

Cook a meal from each of my cookbooks

Start a compost pile/bucket

Learn and make candied jalapenos

Go on a bike ride

Visit a new city

Take a spin class

Start the process to Adopt

Put our house on the market (then get a new one)

Make my own raspberry vodka

Grow my hair long

Write a “snail-mail” letter

Drink 5 glasses of water a day for 2-weeks

Read a book that I would normally never read

Turn my loose recipes into a cookbook

Join a volleyball league

Go dancing

Get Dexter to stay off the counter (and tables!)

Re-Learn to play 500 (the card game)

Visit a new area of Texas

Send a friend flowers (for no reason)

Attend an art fair

Try a new type of exercise

Have a family portrait taken

Get Travis a puppy

Stop buying shoes for 3-months

Meet a “old” friend for coffee

Start a journel

Go to a movie with my husband-and let him pick

See the Nutcracker Ballet

Take a ride in a hot air balloon

Learn to Scuba dive

Buy a new dining room set

Go on a Picnic

Plan a surprise get-away for Travis

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I smell spring in the air.... and I can NOT wait!! I am ready to plant flowers, go for long walks, and just be outside soaking up the gorgeous weather before the oppression of summer falls upon us!

One of my favorite things about Dallas is that spring comes in March and not May, like back in Minnesota!